Oslo Peace Process: Schools and Children--Palestine

Figure 1.--

We do not yet have details on how the Isreali-Palestinian conflict is taught in the schools. Our general assessment is that almost all Palestinians believe that the U.N. 1947 Partiytion was an unjustice. It is less clear just how many Palestinians believe that despite this that they can live inpeace with the Isrealis. We note that many Palestinians beliee that this is not possible or acceptable. Just what the children are told in school we do not know. Nor do we know to what extent the issue of peace is discussed and if disident views are tolerated. We note reports of teachers being threatened about their dress. It is unclear how free acacademic discussion can take place in an atmosphere where gunmen threaten teachers and children. And it is important to know who controls the schools. Hamas, for example, when it took over Gaza also took over the schools. We have found some information about a Palestinian children's program Fanfur Mouse. Here the children are told that occupation has to be resisted, And by occupation they are referring to all of Palestine, not just the area assigned to Palestinian Arabs by the United Nations. Also important is what the Koran says as this is presented to children as the actual word of God.

Palestinian Schools

We do not yet have details on how the Isreali-Palestinian conflict is taught in the schools. Our general assessment is that almost all Palestinians believe that the U.N. 1947 Partiytion was an unjustice. It is less clear just how many Palestinians believe that despite this that they can live inpeace with the Isrealis. We note that many Palestinians beliee that this is not possible or acceptable. Just what the children are told in school we do not know. Nor do we know to what extent the issue of peace is discussed and if disident views are tolerated. We note reports of teachers being threatened about their dress. It is unclear how free acacademic discussion can take place in an atmosphere where gunmen threaten teachers and children. And it is important to know who controls the schools. Hamas, for example, when it took over Gaza also took over the schools.

Palestinian Childrens Programming

We have only limited information about Palestinian television and childrens programing. We have found some information about a Palestinian children's program. Hamas produces a program, "Tomorrow’s Pioneers". The producer of tghe program explains that his mission is not only to teach the children about liberating Palesine (meaninging Israel as well as the West Bank), but to dominate the world. He explains that both Jews and Christins are better off under Islamic rule. Remember this is not Isrealis and Americans saying this, this is what the Hamas official producing the program says. A character on the program is Fanfur Mouse, a Disney knockoff character. Fanfur tells the children are told that occupation has to be resisted, And by occupation they are referring to all of Palestine, not just the area assigned to Palestinian Arabs by the United Nations.

The Koran

Also important is what the Koran says as this is presented to children as the actual word of God. The Koran has a great deal say about Jews. Muslim maintain that Islam is a religion of peace. And they often mention the number of references to peace in the Koran. Here it is important to consider to what extent this is reflected in the school materials and to media presentatioins to children. It is also important to consider the references to Jews in the Koran and to what extent those references promote peace in Palestine.


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Created: 7:53 AM 6/26/2007
Last updated: 7:53 AM 6/26/2007