Danish Mail Order Catalogs and Advertisements with Boys Clothing: Chronologies

Figure 1.--This 1949 Bornetoj catalog offers legging outfits and long pants for 4-6 year old. Long pants for pre-school boys were a new phonemon in much of Europe. Lehhings and long stockings were worn in cold weather. Scandanavian countries were a little different because of the cold weather.

We have very little chronological items from Danish catalogs and advertisements at this time. W believe tht there were store catlogs in the 19th centuty. we do not know when the first mail order catalog occured, but suspect it was a 20th century phemomenon. Denmark was a small country and the need for mail order was less than a large country like the United States. A reader has sent some itens from a 1949 Bornetoj catalog with lively illustrations. Thus we know a little about the post-War era. We also have a few modern items. Hopefully our Danish readers will help us develop this section. Hanna Andersson offered a variety of fun tights for the Christmas season in 2004. We believe that these would have veen mostly worn by girls. Hanna Andersson in 2005 offered brightly colored ribbed tights. Ribbed stockings or tights are associated culturally to children until about 9 years of age. Tights are very common in Danish Kindergardens.


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Created: 10:20 PM 3/6/2005
Last updated: 7:56 AM 3/9/2015