French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: the 1960s

Figure 1.--

French mail order catalogs and clothing advertisements offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. We have some information on the 1960s that can not be prescisely dated. We will archive the items that can not be dated on this page. We have noted styles like safari shorts sets.







Short Sets

Shorts sets are shorts pants in the same material and style or coordinated with a blouse or shirt. One popular style in the 1950s was the safari suit.

Patrons de Marie Claire: Safari suits sewing patterns

A French pattern company in the 1960s offered patterns for safari suits for boys from 2-7 years of age. The company rather incongrously subtiltled the package, "Elegance de Paris.

Sailor Suits


Christopher Wagner

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Created: December 8, 2001
Last updated: December 8, 2001