French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: 1961

Figure 1.-- We have some information on coats from the 1961 Catalog au Louvre. We note quite a range of different style. Some are longer coats for dress wear as well as shorter jackets for play wear.

French mail order catalogs and clothing advertisements offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. We have some information on coats and school smocks from the 1961 Catalog au Louvre.



Smocks were still worn in the 1960s, especially the eraly 1960s, at French schools, but their use was declining, especially by boys. Front buttoning styles were becoming increasingly common, even for the girls. We also note polyester materials being used. The main color for boys was blue, but girls wore smocks in a wide range of colors.

Au Louvre catalog school smocks

We have some information on school smocks from the 1961 Catalog au Louvre. We notice a wide variety of colorful school smocks for boys and girls. They come in back, front, and side buttoning styles for a range of ages. Some have collars and lapels while other are collarless.


A varierty of coats were made for boys.

Au Louvre catalog coats

We have some information on coats from the 1961 Catalog au Louvre (figure 1). We note quite a range of different style. Some are longer coats for dress wear as well as shorter jackets for play wear. The principal colors were blue and brown. One coat came with a hood.




Sailor Suits



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Created: August 15, 2003
Last updated: August 15, 2003