French Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothing: 1964

Figure 1.--

French mail order catalogs and clothing advertisements offer a very useful time line on changing fashion trends. HBC notes that rompers were declining in popularity and were being worn by increasingly younger boys. A popular style replacing rompers was the "costume baby" with the English word baby describing a style that would be worn by older boys than the word suggests.

Little Boy Outfits

Rompers which were a verpopular style for younger boys through the 1950s began declining in popularity during the 1960s. Mothers were increasingly choosing a "costume baby" which were often worn with a "manteau (coat) baby".

Femmes d'aujourd'hui: costume baby

The French sewing magazine Femmes d'aujourd'huis in 1964 offerd a pattern for a "costme baby" for a 2-4 year-old boy. They were made in two different styles.






Sailor Suits


Christopher Wagner

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Created: December 13, 2001
Last updated: December 13, 2001