Swiss Mail Order Catalogs and Advertisements for Boys Clothings: The 1940s

Figure 1.--Here are of sweaters and other garments offered for boys and girls in the Jelmoli Winter 1947 catalog. Jelmoli was a Zurich departmenmt store with a well-established catalog business.

We have a few pages from the Jelmoli catalog during the 1940s. Again only a few pages were devoted to children's clothes. Many of the fashions offered seemed quite similar to those offered in the 1930s, but there are notable differences. We still see boys suits done with short pants and knickers for older boys. A range of sweaters was offered. We see bib-front pants with short and long legs. There are rompers for other boys. And as one might expect from Switzerland, there is a page primarily devoted to ski clothing. Hosiery is mostly long stockings and kneesocks.









We have pages from both the 1937 Summer and Winter catalog. We see various styles of caps including skicapas, berets, and peaked caps. We still see boys suits done with short pants and knickers for older boys. A range of sweaters was offered. There were different styles for boys and girls. We also see jackets, coats, and capes for cold weather. We see bib-front pants with short and long legs. There are rompers for other boys. And as one might expect from Switzerland, there is a page primarily devoted to ski clothing. Hosiery is mostly long stockings and kneesocks.




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Created: 9:04 PM 6/27/2006
Last updated: 9:04 PM 6/27/2006