Swiss Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: 1947

Figure 1.-- We still see boys suits done with short pants and knickers for older boys as well as coats and capes in the Jelmoli 1947 catlog.

We have pages from both the Jelmoli 1937 Summer and Winter catalog. We see various styles of caps including skicapas, berets, and peaked caps. We still see boys suits done with short pants and knickers for older boys. A range of sweaters was offered. There were different styles for boys and girls. We also see jackets, coats, and capes for cold weather. We see bib-front pants with short and long legs. There are rompers for other boys. And as one might expect from Switzerland, there is a page primarily devoted to ski clothing. Hosiery is mostly long stockings and kneesocks.


We notice both berets and flat caps in the Jemoli Winter catalog. The berets were for boys 2-15 years of age. The flat caps were done in sizes 50-56 cm. We also note children wearing ski cap during the Winter. Jelmoli offered a ski cap with a long string and tassel.

Toddler Clothes


We note a variety of coats and capes worn in Switzerlabnd during 1947 (figure 1). Jelmoli offered two types of boys' coats in 1947. There were two types of winter coats as well as capes. There were double breasted coats for younger boys and what looks like a British gabardine overcoats for a somewhat older boys. We also note winter capes which appea to be worn rather like raincoats. Capes were often associated with schoolwear in France. I'm not sure if they had the same association in Switzerland. I'm also not sure about the reltive popularity of capes. The ad here suggests that they were widely worn.


We note a short jacket styled rather like a World War II bomber jacket, with a military air badge to stress the air force connection. This one, however was done in cotton and not leather like real bomber jackets.


Sweaters as in all of northern Europe are popular garments for boys and girls. We note the tht the Jelmoli 1947 Winter catalog offered a wide range of sweaters for boys and girls. Most are long-sleeve pullovers. Some of the boys and girls sweaters are virtually identical. Others are different. Some of the boys' sweater have partial zips and one of the girls sweaters is a cardigan. One boys' sweater is a sleevless style.




Swiss boys in the 1940s wore short pants knickers and long pants. Jelmoli in its 1947 catalog offered boys pants, both short pants and knickers, but not long pants on its boys wear page in the Winter catalog. The pants were done in almost the same sizes, although the age range for the shorts were slightly lower and for the knickers slightly higher. We also note bib-front play/work pants done with both long pants and apron style. Jelmoli lso offered suspender shorts for yonger boys. The illustration gives the impression that they were work pants, but we notice boys wearing then for play.


We notice what looks rather like a snowsuit in the 1947 catalog. Jelmoli rfers to it as sports suit--Sportanzuegli. It was done in sizes 2-8 years of age.



We note a wide range of short amf long leg underwear being offered in the 1947 Jelmoli Winter catalog. There were both separate pieces and union (combination) suit. Most of a page were devoted to the various styles and varying materials.


We note both night shirts and pajamas being offered in the 1947 Jelmoli Winter catalog. They were equally prominent, suggesting that both were commonly worn.



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Created: 9:45 PM 6/27/2006
Last updated: 9:43 PM 7/6/2006