Another early advertisement for boys' and girls' skeleton waists appeared in the Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) on ASpril 22, 1899, page 8. These waists were on sale at Miller and Paine's department store in Lincoln (the Notions department).
These are both "skeleton waists" for boys and girls from two to twelve
years of age. The term skeleton of course refers to the fact that the
chest area is covered as little as possible so as to be cooler and more
athletic, i.e., less restrictive, in style. These waists are described
as "best sellers" at the store in an age when nearly all children up to
the age of 12 wore long stockings for dress occasions and for school.
The supporters are apparently available in either black or white and
are adjustable for length. Here is the text transcribed:
"No. 1. Skeleton Waist with security hose supporters attached, white or
drab, for children 2 to 12 years of age, 40 cents each."
"No. 2. Child's Hose Supporter Waist, white or black, for children 2 to
12 years of age, 25 cents. [The supporters are elastic. The shoulder
straps are of non-elastic webbing with adjusta ble buckles.]"
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