* American mail order catalogs with boys clothes -- 1915 suits

American Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: Suits (1915)

Figure 1.--This 1915 Sears sample book shows the various suiting fabrics available. Unfortunately we can not read the ad copy. We see both single- and double-breasted suits as well as some Norfolk jackets. Notice all are knicker suits and they are all shown as worn with dark long stockings.

We do not yet have much information on suits advertized during 1915. What we have been able to find shows that both single- and double-breasted jackets were popular. Some jackets with Norfolk styling were also available. Available information also suggests that just about all avialble boys' suits were knickers suits. There was one exception. We see suits for younger boys done with the same straight-leg knee pants that had dominated American boys' wear for decades. The basic style for American boys beginning about 1908 became knickers which rapidly replaced knee oants which had vecome nearly universal. Almost immeditely knickers became narly as standard as knee pants had been. We see that here in a 1915 Sears catalog page (figure 1). We continue to see, however, suits for younger boys commonly done with knee pants rather than knickers. We see this in the popular mail order catalogs of the day. Some suits were offered with two pairs of pants, mostly another pair of knickers. There were also long pants suits, mostly for teenagers. Most boys began wearing long pants sometimes after their early teens. The actual age varied from family to family. That age declined somewhat during the decade. We do not yet know the age range for boys in 1915, but will be able to find this as we ad more catalog pages and periodical advertisements.

Younger Boys

Knee pants did not totally disppear as knickers became standard for American boys. We continue to see, however, suits for younger boys commonly done with knee pants rather than knickers. Througout the 1910s and vinto the 1920s we see suits for younger boys being done with knee pants. We see this very clearly in the popular mail order catalogs of the day. AcSears 1915 catalog page is a good example. We are not yet sure about the precise ages here, but we think it was both pre-school and younger primary ages, probably boys about 4-8 years old. We see quite a range of jacket styles, including both sailor suits and regular suit styles. Some of the jackets were clearly jivenile styles. others were done in the same styles as the plder boys. These knee pants suits were almost always worn with long stockings. This was the case for both the younger and older boys.

School Age Boys

We do not yet have much information on suits advertized during 1915. What we have been able to find shows that both single- and double-breasted jackets were popular. Some jackets with Norfolk styling were also available. Available information also suggests that just about all avialble boys' suits were knickers suits. There was one exception. We see suits for younger boys done with the same straight-leg knee pants that had dominated American boys' wear for decades. The basic style for American boys beginning about 1908 became knickers which rapidly replaced knee oants which had vecome nearly universal. Almost immeditely knickers became narly as standard as knee pants had been. We see that here in a 1915 Sears catalog page (figure 1). Some suits were offered with two pairs of pants, mostly another pair of knickers. There were also long pants suits, mostly for teenagers. Most boys began wearing long pants sometimes after their early teens. The actual age varied from family to family. That age declined somewhat during the decade. We do not yet know the age range for boys in 1915, but will be able to find this as we ad more catalog pages and periodical advertisements.


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Created: 7:17 PM 5/6/2011
Last updated: 8:22 PM 4/9/2020