U.S. Catalogs and Advertisements: Sears Sets--Jim Dandies, 1941

Figure 1.--Here are some of the set offered by Sears in 1941. These sets were popular througout the 1940s, although the styling varied over time. Many had self belts or button-on styling. Suspender shorts were less common.

Sears captioned three sets as "Jim Dandies". The caption read "very fine quality. Even if we added a dollar you'd say they were perfect Jim Dandies 79c each. Verified $1,00 values." I don't see any common features except for the price.

Copy Cat

Rgis was one of the few long pants sets offered by Sears on this page. Notice how the collar button is buttoned, but the pants are not tucked in the pants. The Sears ad copy read, "In-or-Outer Slack Suit. We took the style from Dad, the colors from California sportswear! Gay woven stripped cotton shirt. Blue Chambray Sport Slacks, elastic back; belt with buckle; trouser cuffs." Sizes 2-6 years. California Blue."

Summer Dandy

This was one of the dressy shorts sets. The blouse had a colored Peter Pan collar. The Sears ad copy read, "Dress-Up 2-piece Suit with cool white Dimity [I'm not sure what this meant] waist (blouse) that's pleated at front, with embroidered trim. Better quality 100x60 Cotton Broadcloth pants. Self material belt." Sizes: 2-6 years. The pants and trim were done in dubonnet (maroon) (shown) or skipper (blue).

Little Scamp

Tis shorts set had a sports collar. The Sears ad copy read, "2 piece Suit with striped Cotton In-or-Outer sports shirt. Elastic back shorts of 100x60 Cotton Broadcloth; bright tri-color belt. Washable." Sizes: 2-6 years. The shirt and pants were done in copen and navy (shown) or tan and brown.


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Created: 3:46 AM 8/20/2004
Last updated: 12:41 AM 8/21/2004