One group of Sears' short sets were "Ring Leaders". They were all priced at $0.98, but styled differently. They were mostly shorts sets, but one set had long pants. They pants were mostly button-on, but there was a pair of suspender shorts. There were various colors done with cotrasting shirts and pants. They were all for boys 2-6 years old. Some of these sets could be worn by a yonger boy for a for mal occasion like Church. These were Summer outfits, but might be woirn to shool before the weaher turned warm. Boys 5 years old attended Kindergarden and 6 year olds began First Grade. The Sears ad copy read, "Our best suits for 2's to 6's. Smart styles ... sturdy wornmanship. Finer fabrics in every one of these Ring Leaders. Out fit the family! Easy terms available. See inside back cover. 98c." Sears uses the term "suit" because the the shirts are worn with the pants.
This button-on shorts set was available in two color combinations. The shirt had some of the contrsting colors and two pockets. The Sears ad copy read, "... two tone Sports S tailored in fine, durable Cotton Gabardine. Belted pants button on to sports type waist." Note the use of the term "sports suit". Sears also used that term to mean sports jacket. Here "sports type waist" means a waiste (blouse) meant to be worn with an open collar. The set was available in sizes 2-6 years. It was done in either dark and light green (shown) or navy and [copen?]. The price was $0.98.
This set was called "Sunday Best", apparently because Sears felt it could be worn toi Church on Sunday. The white waist (blouse) presumbbly is why Sears considered it more dressy than the ither sets. The Sears ad coopy read, "...2 pc. Suit of washable Shantung-effect [silk-like] Cotton Broadcloth. Pleated waise. [This apparently mans that thewaist (blouse) was pleated.] Mannish belted pants with pockets." The set was available in sizes 2-6 years. It was done in either white and skipper blue (shown) or white and [dubonnet?]. The price was $0.98.
The boy here is shown playing baseball. Actually 2-6 is too young to play baseball. Actually this sit is no more or less dressy than any of the other sets seen here. The Sears ad copy read, "Suit with smart Cotton Knit Shirt. Pleated suspender shorts of light-weight Cotton Gabardine: adjustable straps." The set was available in sizes 2-6 years. It was done in either brown and yellow (shown) or navy and white. The price was $0.98.
Most of the Sears sets were shors sets. This was a long-pants set. The Sears ad copy read, "... In-or-Outer Slack Suit of our best washfast Cotton Twill in smart two-tone combinations. Wear the separate shirt in or out of elastic back slacks." This means that Sears was advising mothers that the shirt did not need to be ticked in. Until the 1940s, boys almost always were meant to wear their shirts tucked in the pants waist. Note the use of the term slacks, maning non-work pants. The set was available in sizes 2-6 years. It was done in either copen (a light blue) and navy (shown) or light green with green. The price was $0.98.
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