HBC has given considrable attention to the big department stores and chain stores in HBC because they have become so important in modern merchandizing, especially of clothes. Here the rise of ready made clothes and the development of mail order caused major shidts in retailing. Today the internet is another major shift, but its full impact is yet to be seen. There are many other types of stores besides department and chain stores where clothes were sold. Some still esist and others have largely disappeared. This is a complicated topic because there have been substntial variations over time and among countries. The importance of these stores These stores were much more important in the 19th and early 20th century than they are today. This is a topic that is difficult to research. The big department and mail order stores are fairly easy to reserarch because they advertized and had catalogs. The many small shops and stores which sold clothes did not leave a historical paper trail that can as easily easily be followed. There is information available on these stores, but it is much less detailed and difficult to obtain.
HBC has given considrable attention to the big department stores and chain stores in HBC because they have become so important in modern merchandizing, especially of clothes. Here the rise of ready made clothes and the development of mail order caused major shidts in retailing. Today the internet is another major shift, but its full impact is yet to be seen.
Clothes are sold in many different types of stores where clothing is sold. Deparment stores developed in the mid-19th century and for many years dominated city sales of clothes. With the development id shopping malls and specialty retailers, this dominamce came to an end, although the deparment stores is still an important store type. There are many other types of stores besides department and chain stores where clothes were sold. Some still esist and others have largely disappeared. This is a complicated topic because there have been substantial variations over time. The importances of the different types has varied over time and also by demographic regions. Customers in rural areas did not have access to department stores. They shopped at small, local general stores. This did not change until Henry Ford's Modelt "T" dramatically increased the mobility of the rural population in America. There are also variations from country to country.
There are also substantial differences among countries as to retailing.
The importance of these stores These stores were much more important in the 19th and early 20th century than they are today.
This is a topic that is difficult to research. The big department and mail order stores are fairly easy to reserarch because they advertized and had catalogs. The many small shops and stores which sold clothes did not leave a historical paper trail that can as easily easily be followed. There is information available on these stores, but it is much less detailed and difficult to obtain.
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