Unidentified German Orphanage: Instututional Assessment

Figure 1.-- This photograph is one reason we believe that this is an orphanage and not a school. Boys at an orphanage would have had chores to preform. Here the boys are working in the kitchen. But this would have been less likely at aprivate school.

While the facility is unidentified, we believe it is an orphanage and not a boarding school. There are several reasons for this. First, Private schools were not very common in Germany. This was in part because the state schools were so good. Second, Often the private schools were for boys from affluent schools that could not meet the demands of the state system. Boys at private schools would not have worn uniforms. They would, however, dressed smarter (more fashionably) than the boys here. These boys are well outfitted, but not smartly dressed. Third, also we do not notice the boys in a classrrom, but rather in the boarding facilities that an orphanage would have had. Fourth, the boys are pictured doing kitchen chores. This would not have occured at a private school.


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Created: 1:36 AM 6/1/2008
Last updated: 1:37 AM 6/1/2008