Types of English Children's Literature: Individual Fiction Book Themes

Figure 1.--This illustration from an English book of sports stories shows a boy at a private school in his cricket whites. We do not know who the illustrator was.

British books before World War II often had imperaialistic themes. Another especially popular theme was life at boarding schools, which interestingly reflected only a small portion of British boys. These were expensive private schools. Only a small portion of British boys went to these schools. Schools stories about children in state schools are almost non existent until after World War I. The stories and illuistrations do privide a fascinating, if idealized, view of life at these schools. Boys' literature often dealt with experiences at schools--but almost always at these schools. Note the illustration from a sports story pictured here (figure 1). The boy pictured is from an expensive private preparatory school. These school gave much more attention to sport than state schools. Few state primary schools had any kind of organized sports program. Another popular theme was adventury stories. Imperalist themes were popular, so were mysteries. here were also many stories with imperailistic thems. These included stories about explorers, soldiers, and children living in the colonies. The kind of stories addressing children's issues such as divorce, death in the family, race, ect that can be found today were largely absent until the 1970s.

Adventure Stories

British adventure books books before World War II often had imperaialistic themes. Another popular theme was adventury stories. Imperalist themes were popular, so were mysteries. Here were also many stories with imperailistic themes. These included stories about explorers, soldiers, and children living in the colonies.

School Life

Another especially popular theme was life at boarding schools, which interestingly reflected only a small portion of British boys. These were expensive private schools. Only a small portion of British boys went to these schools. Schools stories about children in state schools are almost non existent until after World War I. The stories and illuistrations do privide a fascinating, if idealized, view of life at these schools. Boys' literature often dealt with experiences at schools--but almost always at these schools. Sports storeies were almost always school stories. Note the illustration from a sports story pictured here (figure 1). The boy pictured is from an expensive private preparatory school. These school gave much more attention to sport than state schools. Few state primary schools had any kind of organized sports program.

Real Life

The kind of stories addressing children's issues such as divorce, death in the family, race, ect. that can be found today were largely absent until the 1970s.

Foreign Countries

We note a lot of stories about children in other countrie. Children were apparently curioos about what it was like growing up in other countries. This was especially true before so much information was avvaible from television, movies, magazines, and now the internet. Until after World War II there were real differnces from country to country, even in Europe, depending on where you were raised. That included clothing. Since the war there has been a general homoginizing process in both culture and clothing throughout Europe. Many of the differences that once existed no longer exist, as least to the degree they once did. As a result these country stories are no longer as common.

Animal Stories

Animal stories are real favorites with children. All children are fascinated with animals. And love to read about them. Some times boy and girl characters are included in these stories with animals. Perhaps the best example is Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Story.

Fantasy Sories


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Created: September 24, 2002
Last updated: 12:24 AM 1/27/2011