French Fashion Publications and Children's Fashions: Journal des Marchands Tailleurs

Figure 1.--This 1856 image illustrates a variety of outfits for boys. There are several styles of caps included a peaked military-styled caps. We also notice boys weaing pants at lengths well above the ankles.

The Journal des Marchands Tailleurs was published in Paris. The title translates as the Magazine of the Merchants Tailors. We believe they published during 1856-64. We have little information about the publication, but we have a number of fashion plates from the magazine with many images of mens' and boys' clothes. We are not sure, however, at this time what kind of text accpmpanied these fashion plates, explaining the various outfits that were depicted in the plates.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 20, 2002
Last updated: July 20, 2002