Bavarian Royalty: Prince Konstantin (1920-69)

Figure 1.--Here we see Prince Leopold and Adalbert with their mother in 1953, shortly after the birth of their hslf sister Monika. There parents, Ptrince Konstantine and Princess Maria, divorced in 1948. The boys held the title of princes of Bavaria through their father who was relared to King Kudwig I.

Konstantin Leopold Ludwig Adalbert Georg Thadeus Josef Petrus Jahannes Antonius Franz von Wittelsbach was born (1920). He was the son of Adalbert Prinz von Bayern (1886-1970). His mothr was Auguste Gräfin von Seefried auf Buttenheim (1899-1978). He was related to King Ludwig I through his father and thus awarded the title of Prinz von Bayern. Wecknow nothing about his childhood, but was a teenager when the NAZIs seized control of Germany. I do not if he joinred the Hitler Youth or what he did during World War II. He married twice. The first marriage was with Maria Adelgunde Prinzessin von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, daughter of Friedrich Viktor Prinz von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen and Margarethe Karola Prinzessin von Sachsen. Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen was aadet family of the main Hohenzollern Prussian/German line. Prince Konstantine and PrincessMaria married during World war II (1942). There were two children: Leopold (1943) and Adalbert Friedrich Johannes (1944). We have no information about their childhood. Leopold was known as Poldi. The boys are seen here dressed in matching sailor suits. Prince Konstantine divorced Maria (1948). He then married Helene Gräfin von Khevenhüller-Metsch (1953). She was the daughter of Franz Graf von Khevenhüller-Metsch and Anna Prinzessin von Fürstenberg. They had one child, Ysabel Prinzessin von Bayern (1954- ). Prince Konstantine was killed in a plane accident at the age 48 at Hechingen, Baden-Württemburg (1969). Princess Maria also remarried. She married a commoner, Werner Hess. They had two daughters: Monika Elisabeth Hess (1953- ) and Angelika Diana Hess (1954- )


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Created: 12:35 AM 7/29/2008
Last updated: 12:35 AM 7/29/2008