Crown Prince Rupprecht's Children: Fatherhood

Figure 1.--Portraits of Albrecht and Luitpold with their father are very formal. We are unsure to what extent this reflects the relationship between them. Prince Luitpold earing an Eton suit and collar tragically died soon after this portrait was taken.

We have no information about Crown Prince Rupprecht as a father. We note that most of the portriats of the boys are with their mother. The fewer portraits of the boys with their father are much more formal portraits. We note none of the more intimate portraits taken with their mother. This may reflect the general attitudes at the time, rather than the specific personality of Prince Rupprecht. Generally it was the mother's responsibility to care for the younger children or at least supervise their care. The father became more important after the boys reached their teen years. Our information, however, is very limited and is based only on the available portraits at this time. Their father unfortunately never had a chance to develop a relationship with Luitpold asa young man as he died soon after this portrait was taken. He looks very healthy here so it must have been a tragic accident.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 7, 2002
Last updated: May 7, 2002