New Zealand School Sweaters: Colors

Figure 1.-The most common color for New Zealand school sweaters is grey. There are also colored sweaters. Blue was an especially popular color. Notice the grey school shirts.

The sweater is a very important school garment in New Zealand and we see them done in several different colors. Most school uniforms sweaters in New Zealand like Britain were grey. This is especially the case at schools where boys wore grey shorts. While most school uniform sweaters were grey. The grey sweaters often but not always have colored trim done of course in the school colors. Many schools have plain grey sweaters. White grey sweaters are the most common. They are certainly, however, not the only color. we also see green, blue, brown, and green sweaters. There are also white sweaters to be worn for cricket. Blue sweaters are the most common of the colored sweaters, but there are several schools with red sweaters and a few with green seaters. Brown sweaters exist, but were less common. Most of the colored sweaters do not have colored trim, bit some had a school logo.


The sweater is a very important school garment in New Zealand and we see them done in several different colors. Most school uniforms sweaters in New Zealand like Britain were grey. This is especially the case at schools where boys wore grey shorts. We mostly see them done as a mid-grey. While most school uniform sweaters were grey. The grey sweaters often but not always have colored trim done of course in the school colors. This added a littke variety and color to tge unifirm and was a very popular convention,. Most of the sweaters were "V" collars and this where the trom was normally done. Many schools also have plain grey sweaters without the trim.

Other Colors

White grey sweaters are the most common. They are certainly, however, not the only color. we also see green, blue, brown, and green sweaters. There are also white sweaters to be worn for cricket. Blue sweaters are the most common of the colored sweaters. We see different shades of blue. One popular combination was navy blue sweaers worn with navy blue shorts and knee socks. Other shades of blue sweaters were commobnly wirn with grey shorts and trousers. , but there are several schools with red sweaters and a few with green seaters. Brown sweaters exist, but were less common. Most of the colored sweaters do not have colored trim. Some did, bit most did not. Some of the colored sweaters did have a school logo.


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Created: 11:39 PM 6/30/2005
Last updated: 6:37 AM 7/23/2010