Australian School Uniform: Garments--Closed-Front Shirt Colors

Figure 1.--This Australian boy from the Bradshaw School in the 1960s wears a yellow and brown closed-front shirt. Notice the different color trim on the collar, shoulders, and pocket.

They were commonly made for school wear in both plain navy blue and khaki. Some are quite destinctivem unlike te uniformly grey shirts worn in England. Often two contrasting colors were used which was not common in England. One school, for example, had a closed-front shirt that is royal blue, with grey for the pockets, collar, pocket tab, and shirt sleeve flash. So it is contrasting colours. There were, however, many other varied color combinations. Usually there was a light and dark color, but the actual color varied widely. These varied colors allowed one to tell at a glance the boys' school.


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Created: October 28, 2001
Last updated: October 28, 2001