English School Uniform: The Blazer--Conventions

Figure 1.--Boys at boarding schools generally put away thrir blazers to dave them for good. At this school, they wear them for special occassions like a school fete, an open day when the parents visited. The boys at this boading school dressed up in their blazers, bit as the day progressed, many discarded them.

Conventions for wearing blazers have changed over time. They have also vary from school to school. For many years, boys at most schools were required to wears their suit coats or later blazers when attending classes diring the school day. This gradually changed, especially after World War II. Most schools comtinued to require the boys to wear their blazers when coming and going to school. This primarily affected day students, but it was also a general school rule on school trips like field rips. Normally at school the boys did ot wear their blazers during the day. Here this varied somewhat depending on the school. Boys rarely wore their blazers at boarding schools during the day. The schools had the boys pit away their blazers. n n The primary factor here is financial. If the boys wore their blazers all day long, especially the younger boys, they would quickly become worn out and soiled. It is more practical just to have the boys wears shirts and jumpers, especially given the cost of the blazer. At day schools wearing blazers was more common, especially at state secondary schools. Schoolschere normally left it up to the individual boy, similar to the approach with jumpers (sweaters). Schools also had a variety of events such as fetes or sorts day. Here uniform requirements were more relaxed with some boys wearing their blazers and others just their shirts or jumpers, especially as the day progressed.


Conventions for wearing blazers have changed over time. For many years, boys at most schools were required to wears their suit coats or later blazers when attending classes diring the school day. This gradually changed, especially after World War II. Gradually we see the blazers being worn less and less during the school say. Many boarding schools even had the boys put away their blazers once at school. Boys at many schools did wear their blazers, but vthis varied from school to school abd the indicidual choice of the boy. Here seasonality was a factor. Boys tended to wear vtheir blazers more when it was chilly.

School Rules

Rules anout blazers have also vary from school to school. Most schools comtinued to require the boys to wear their blazers when coming and going to school. This primarily affected day students, but it was also a general school rule on school trips like field rips. Rules were more varied once the boys were at school. Andc these rules have changed over time. We note some schools now allowing the children to wear their own clothes or a casual uniform on field trips.

School Type

Normally at school the boys did ot wear their blazers during the day. Here this varied somewhat depending on the school. Boys rarely wore their blazers at boarding schools during the day. The schools had the boys pit away their blazers. The primary factor here is financial. If the boys wore their blazers all day long, especially the younger boys, they would quickly become worn out and soiled. It is more practical just to have the boys wears shirts and jumpers, especially given the cost of the blazer. At day schools wearing blazers was more common, especially at state secondary schools. This is in part because of the different outlook of boarding and day schools. The boarding schools operating under the thesis od en loco parentis took responsibility for hhow the boys cared for their vuniforms. The day schools tended to see care of the uniform to be the responsibility of the boys and their parents.

Individual Choice

Day schools in contrast to boarding schools normally left it up to the individual boy whether or not vhe wears the blazer once at school, similar to the approach with jumpers (sweaters). Some schools have however deemphazizedc the blazer as paer of the school uniform.

Special Events

Schools also had a variety of events such as fetes or sorts day. Here uniform requirements were more relaxed with some boys wearing their blazers and others just their shirts or jumpers, especially as the day progressed. Boys at boarding schools generally put away thrir blazers to dave them for good. Here we see the boys wearing their blazers for a school fete (figure 1). At this school, they wear them for special occassions like a school fete, an open day when the parents visited. The boys at this boading school dressed up in their blazers, bit as the day progressed, many discarded them.


Related Blazer Pages in the Boys' Historical Web Site
[Main school uniform blazer page] [Main blazer page]
[Australian blazers] [English blazers] [New Zealand blazers] [Scottish blazers]

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Created: November 28, 2003
Last updated: 6:23 PM 11/4/2009