Schoolwear Hosiery: Long Stockings--Prevalence

Figure 1.--For a time in the late-19th century and early-20th century virtually all American school children including younger teenagers wore long stockings, often black long stockings. All the boys in this school, probably during the early-1910s wear black long stockings. The girls are also probablky wearing blacl stockings, but it is impossible to tell with this image. The children look to be about 10 years old which would make then 5th graders.

Long stockings were a very common school garment in several countries during the late-19th and early-20th centuries. They were worn during the mid-19th century, but only by some younger boys. Long pants were more common which usually ment socks. In some instances by the late-19th century they were almost universal. This varied from country to country and over time as well as seasionsaly. In the United States virtually all younger children wore them with knee pants and knickers and for a time even many teenagers. They were nearly as common in Canada, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Scandinavia. They were also worn to vaying degrees in many other countries such as Japan, the first Asian country to have a modern education system. Climate was a factor. They were less prevalent in southrtn Europe, although even there they might be worn for formal occassions. School children both boys and girls very commonly wore long stockings to school during this period. While they seem equally common for boys ahd girls, colors had some gender connotations. We note many school portraits in which all or virtually all of the children are wearing long stockings. This shows just how prevsalent long stockings were. After World War I they become somewhat less common, but were worn quite commonly in the Soviet Union during the 1960s.


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Created: 10:39 PM 3/13/2011
Last updated: 10:39 PM 3/13/2011