Dresses for Boys during the Late-19th Century: Decade Trends

The convention of younger boys wearing dresses continued in the late 19th century, but we note major changes by the turn-of-the century. We note that younger boys still commonly wore dresses in the 1870s and 80s. We are not sure at this time if there was any substantial shift during these decades on this convention. We think that the Fauntleroy suit introduced with Mrs. Burnett's book in 1885 may have incouraged some mothers to breech their sons so they could wear the popular outfit. We have not decected any other important shift, but this does not mean that such shifts were not under way. We have archived many American boys wearing dresses during the late 19th century. A good example is Martin Allister Wambold in 1886. We do notice changes in the 1890s, especially after 1895. We still see boys 3-4 years age wearing dresses, but we do not see as manny nor are there many older boys still wearing dresses. . A good example is Lloyd Whitney in 1895. Boys older than that begin to become much less common. A HBC reader believes that a major shift occurred during the 1890s and that by the turn of the 20th century that it was much less common for younger boys to wear dressess. We are not sure precisely when this shift occurred or why. We hope to eventually document some of this change in the catalog section.

The 1870s

The convention of younger boys wearing dresses continued in the late 19th century, but we note major changes by the turn-of-the century. We note that younger boys still commonly wore dresses in the 1870s and 80s. We are not sure at this time if there was any substantial shift during these decades on this convention. We notice 2-year old Charley Rosewater wearing a white dress with a thick belt in 1876.

Figure 1.--This tin-type family portrait is undated, but we would guess was taken in tthe 1880s, in part because of the striped stockings. The younger boy who looks to be about 5 years old is wearing a dress.

The 1880s

We continue to see many boys wearing dressed in the 1880s. Another skirted garment, the kilt suit was also very popular for boys. We think that the Fauntleroy suit introduced with Mrs. Burnett's book in 1885 may have incouraged some mothers to breech their sons so they could wear the popular outfit. We have not decected any other important shift, but this does not mean that such shifts were not under way. We have archived many American boys wearing dresses during the late 19th century. More were younger boys, but in the 1880s we still see some older-looking boys wearing dresses. A good example is Martin Allister Wambold in 1886.

Figure 2.--This American boy from Louisville, Kentucky looks to be about 2-3 years old. He is wearing what looks to be a rather patriotic dress. We would guess it was done in red, white, and blue. It is undated, but we would guess was taken in the 1890s. There is a sailor influence to the dress, but curiously it has an army rank badge on the sleeve.

The 1890s

We do notice changes in the 1890s, especially after 1895. We still see boys 3-4 years age wearing dresses, but we do not see as manny nor are there many older boys still wearing dresses. . A good example is Lloyd Whitney in 1895. Boys older than that begin to become much less common. A HBC reader believes that a major shift occurred during the 1890s and that by the turn of the 20th century that it was much less common for younger boys to wear dressess. We are not sure precisely when this shift occurred or why. We hope to eventually document some of this change in the catalog section.


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Created: 1:55 PM 8/29/2007
Last updated: 4:22 PM 1/11/2012