*** Little Lord Fauntleroy suits: Classic American Fauntleroy cut-away jaclets

American Little Lord Fauntleroy Jackets: Classic Fauntleroy Cut-away Jackets

classic Faunleroy jackets
Figure 1.--These unidentified Chicago siblings has their portrait taken in the 1900s decade, probably about 1905. The new style cabinet card helps to date it. The fashionably dressed children look to be about 4-10 years old. The boy wears a Little Lord Fauntleriy suit with the clasic cut-away jackey. The suit is completed with a ruffled collar and colorful floppy bow. Wjile thecollar and bow seen large, they were actually moderate sizes, at least in Fauntleriy terns. They tended to be larger in the 1890s. The studio was A.M. Rothschild in Chicago. click on the image for an enlargement.

The Fauntleroy Craze revived the popularity of the cut-away jacket which became the classic Fauntleroy suit jacket. This is the jacket that made up the classic Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. It is the suit that was at the heart of the Fauntlertoy Craze (1885-1905). The small cut-away jacket was perfect to show off all the details of the the fancy Fauntleroy blouses that rapidly became popular. That was something adoring mothers did not want to cover up. And unlike other jackets, it did not cover up the elaborate blouses. The classic Fauntleroy jacket was a small cut-away jacket. They actually look like minature jackets, especially when paired with Fauntleroy blouses which had massive ruffled collars and gigantic floppy bows. Notice how small the cut-away jacket worn by the younger boy here looks (figure 1). The jacket and pants almost always matched. Most were dark suits done in velvet. Other jackets used in Fauntleroy suits were done in a variety of materials, these cut-away Fauntleroy jackets jackes were commonly velvet. While they were worn to show off the blouse, most conntected at the top with buttons or tabs. The tabs were used so as to extend the space between the sides if the jacket. This of course increased the area to show off the blouse.


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Created: 2:56 AM 6/30/2020
Last updated: 2:57 AM 6/30/2020