Movie Listings: Unknown English Moviess

Figure 1.-- The boy here looks to have been in an English film set in the World War II period. It looks to have been a relatively recent film, but we are not familiar with it. He looks like he may be an evavuee. The image does show quite clearly how knee socks do fall to the ankles when garters are not used or worn out.

English boys' clothing until after World War II was relativly destinctive and thus British films can often be idntified by the costuming. England has an especially important film industry. We are familiar with English films, but not nearly as so with American movies. As a result there are several scenes from English movies that we can not identify. The boy here looks to have been in an English film set in the World War II period (figure 1). He looks like he may be an evavuee. It looks to have been a relatively recent film, but we are not familiar with it. One British reader writes, "I've a feeling this image is from "Hope and Glory", the boy looks very much like Sebastian Rice Edwards." SAnother reader writes, "I can confirmm that the image here is from of "Hope and Glory". I recall one scene, which was filmed in winter and if you look cloely you will see a snow covered street." Another HBC reader writes, "This English scene is from "Hope and Glory", as the other reader stated and that is Sebastian Rice-Edwards. Interesting how the short trousers in this film set in the 1940s are very similar to to the length that boys wear now."


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Created: October 20, 2003
Last updated: October 23, 2003