school cadet programs: England--Harrow County School

School Cadet Programs: England--Harrow County School

Figure 1.--This is Harrow County School CCF warrant officers. Harrow had a large Cadet program and the boys could choose which Service they preferred. Obsiously the boys are wearing army and navy uniforms. I'm not sire if the RAF or Royal Marines are also represented.

The Harrow County School was one of the largest state school CCFs and fielded army, navy and air force sections, as can be seen by the uniforms. We have a picture of the Harrow County School CCF warrant officers/NCOs from the mid-1960s. Note the peaked caps.

The School

The Harrow County School for Boys was founded in 1911. By 1961 it was a grammar school, an academically selective secondary school. Uniform regulations of course varied over the years. In the 1950s all the new boys wore short trousers. In the early 1960s, the new boys wore shorts, except the taller boys were allowed to wear long trousers. The school became a comprehensive in 1975.

The Uniform

The Harrow Country cadets wore a variety of uniforms, depernding on the service program in which they were participating. Obviously they are wearing army and navy uniforms. The army uniform is khaki battledress, 1949 pattern. The regular army phased this out in the early 1960s but cadets went on wearing it for another decade. I'm not sure if there was also a RAF program.

Scottish School

The Cadet uniform at a Scottish school, in this case the High School of Glasgow, can be viewed at about the same time.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 28, 2001
Last updated: May 28, 2001