Boys' Historical Uniform Headgear: Turbans

Figure 1.--These Scouts were photographed in 1950. I believe that they are Indian. Notice that a few of them wear turbans.from a movie scene wears their destinctive peaked-military style caps.

The turban is a head dress of primarily Mohammedan origin. In consists of a scarf of silk, cooton, or other material. It is usually wound directly around the head, but some times a cap. It is most associated with India, even though the predominate religion is Hindfu. This is because the rulers of many Indian principalities were Islamic even though their people were predomantely Hindu. HBU has relatively little information on the turband worn by youth groups. Scouts in India, Pakistan and several other countries have worn turbans. Sijks are perhaps best known for wearing turbans. In many groups the turban appears to habe been optional. Indian Scouts tend to more commonly wear berets

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 24, 2000
Last updated: November 24, 2000