Historical Youth Uniform Garments: Activity Shirts

Figure 1.--Two of these Englisg Cubs wear an orange group "T"-shirt. The other Cub werars the regulation green sweater. Note the boy on the left wear his school kneesocks with a red band. The other two Cubs wear the regulation kneesocks with the green band.

"T"-shirts after World War II (1939-45) became very popular with boys. As a result, groups eventually adopted "activity" shirts that boys could wear on warm days for strenous outdoor activities and still be in uniform. These shirts were often colored shirts, in a variety of colors. The early ones were plain. These shirts often now commonly have large logos identifying the group. Some boys wear their kerchiefs with their activity shirts, but it is more common not to. Activity "T"-shirts are also often issued at camps and jamborees.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: December 18, 2000
Last updated: December 18, 2000