Belgium Vlaamse Nationale Jeugd (VNJ e.V.): Garments--Jackets

Figure 1.--Two of the VNJ boys here wear grey anoraks. They look like part of the official uniform. Other boys wear grey sweaters.

HBC is not sure if there is an official VNJ uniform jacket. Some boys on chilly or rainy days appear to wear grey or blusish grey anoraks. This appears to be a realtively recent inovation. Several of the boys appear to wear the same style, but so few of them that I am not sure that this is actually an official VNJ garment. Some boys appear to sew uniform badges on the jackets--suggesting that it is an official part of their uniform. Like the sweaters the boys wear, the jackets or anoraks are usually grey to match the grey shirts that the boys wear.

The VNJ website mentions a uniform jacket that comes in two styles ("oud model" or old style and "omkeerbaar" or reversible). Not all groups seem to wear the jackets. A HBU reader reports, "I have not seen a single jacket. Possible they are part of their winter outfit only."

Christopher Wagner

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Created: March 10, 2001
Last updated: March 12, 2001