Hitler Youth: Pageantry -- Symbols

Figure 1.--Here we see a DJ group with an eagle flag. We have no information about this flag at this time. One HBU contributor believes it may be an erly Bann flag.

We notice a variety of symbols being used by the various Hitler Youth organizations. One symbol was the sieg ruin or single lighting bolt. The DJ used a single rune. The SS used the double rune. The symbol was referred to as a 'seig rune', meaning a victory rune. Runes were the characters used in ancient languages, especially Germanic and Scandinavian languages during the medieval era or about the 3rd to the 13th centuries. As they declined in actual usage with the adoption of Latin letters, runes took on a kind of mysterious symboism. They were adopted by the NAZIs and other right wig groups steped in Nordic mythology. We also notice the Swastica and eagles being used. These symbols were used in both uniform accessories as well as unit banners and flags.


The symbol used by the Hitler Youth in its banners and uniform accessories was the sieg ruin (single lighting bolt). The SS used the double ruin. The symbol was referred to as a 'seig rune', meaning a victory rune. The same symbol was used on belt buckles. Runes were the characters used in ancient languages, especially Germanic and Scandinavian languages during the medieval era or about the 3rd to the 13th centuries. As they declined in actual usage with the adoption of Latin letters, runes took on a kind of mysterious symboism. They were adopted by the NAZIs and other right wig groups steped in Nordic mythology. The Swastica was also used as a symbol on banners and uniform items. As we can see here, the eagle was also used as a symbol in HJ banners.


These symbols were used in both uniform accessories and unit banners and flags.

Insignias and Accessories

Many accessories were associated with the Hitler Youth uniform. These were worn with both winter and summer uniforms. The boys wore a swastica belt buckle. A proud momenent in each Hitler Youth boy's life was when he was awarded his dagger escribed with the motto "Blood and SoilHonor" ("Blut und Ehre"). Hitler Youth boys wore a leather waist belt and cross strap. For the purpose of a command structure, Germany was divided up into a number of Hitler Youth Districts or HJ-Gebiete. Arm badges in the shape of a triangle were worn on the left upper arm of their shirts or tunics which showed the name of the wearer's HJ District. All male Hitler Youth members were issued with a short bladed knife, the HJ-Fahrtenmesser or Travelling Knife. This was carried in a metal sheath worn from the waist belt. This was for many of the boys one of their most prized possesions.


We have very little information on HJ banners at this time. We have seen a number of banners in various photographs of HJ parades and other activities. One banner often seen is the DJ single rune symbol. We notice an eagle flag carried by a group of DJ boys. We do not know anything about the flag at this time. A HBU contributor tells us, "In the early years it was common for each Bann to carry flags with their own unique emblem on them. I have photos of some of these."


Muir, John. E-mail message, September 18, 2005.


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Created: 7:43 PM 9/18/2005
Last updated: 7:43 PM 9/18/2005