Hitler Youth History: Textbook View (1937)

Figure 1.--A pictorial dictionary for German children learning French has some images. One page shows youth groups. It was published in Leipzig during 1937. Labels show the French words for the uniforms and equipment.

A pictorial dictionary for German children learning French has some images. One page shows youth groups. It was published in Leipzig during 1937. Labels show the French words for the uniforms and equipment. A are scouts, B Hitler Youth (La jeunesse nationale-socialist in the French text). It calls the boy on the left (with the drum) a “pimpf” -- the term for the younger boys belonging to the “Deutsches Jungfolk” (boys age 10 to 14). It also shows a girl a member of the “Bund Deutsher Madel” and a member of the Hitler Youth (jeunesse Hitlerienne in French). Group C and D are “Wandervogel”. I assume this is presented as a historical image as all German youth groups were incorporated into the Hitler Youth in 1933. E and F show youth at a Youth Hostel. I believe the Youth Hostel Movement started in Germany as part of the “Outdoor” movement in the 1920's, but have little information on the movement. German Hostels were incorporated into the Hitler Youth movement in 1933.


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Created: November 15, 1998
Last updated: February 18, 2004