Hitler Youth Membership: Unit Organization

Figure 1.--Rhis 1933 photograph shows HJ boys and & BDM girls in Goslar, a well preserved medieval town near an old silver mine. We are not sure what they are doing. Perhps it is after a muniipal event. Or perhapd it is some kind of field trip to the town. Note the unit rune standards.

The BDM was part of the Hitler Youth umbrella organization. They may have well, however, been separate oganizations. The units were, however, entirely separate. The units were separated from the boys. We always see the boys and girls separated when engaged in activities. The meetings were all single gender meetings for each of the various units. We do see some images with both boys an girls together, but these seems community events in which the various units participate. It is the units that participate and not the childrens as indivisuals. We commonly see boys and girls marching in towns and cities, but the boys and girs are always in their separate units.


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Created: 4:09 AM 1/16/2010
Last Uodates: 4:10 AM 1/16/2010