Hitler Youth Membership Book: Individuals

Figure 1.--This is the identity pages from a HJ membership book. It was issued in October 1933. Notice all the different signatures.

We have very few examples of these membership books at this time. We will add any additional books as we acquire images of the books. The membership book here was for a boy who joined in Octiber 1933. He was only a member for about a year because he was already an older boy when he joined.

Günther Faust

The boy's is at the top of the page on the right. Here it is difficult to make out the boy's name precisely. It looks to be something like Günther Faust. We can see that Henrei joined the HJ in October 1933 a few months after the NAZIs seized power. He was born December 14, 1916. Thus he was 16 years old, almost 17 years old when he joined the HJ. Of course we have no idea just why this boy joined the HJ. Perhaps he was attracted by some aspect of the NAZi regime. We note that he joined in October, perhaps his school influenced him or friends at school. (he was living in „Worms“ in the „Ad. Hitler Straße“ (number of the house is not readable). We note several different signatures, presumably various HJ leaders. Most of these signatures are difficult to make out. One signature seems to be Henrei Leiteil. We do not know just what his position was.


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Created: 8:59 PM 7/3/2005
Last updated: 8:59 PM 7/3/2005