Italian Balilla: Military Ethos

italian balilla
Figure 1.--Mussolini and the Fascist Council announced the militaization of Italian youth through the Balilla (1934). Here Balilla boys are participating in military maneuvers (1935). The press caption read, "Young Fascists hold miliitaru maneuvers: The scene at Civitavecchia, Italy, as 5,000 young Fascists, took part in military maneuvers with a company of infantry of th Italian Army." The photograph was dated April 4, 1935. .

Mussolini ordered the compulsory military training of children and youth beginning at age u8 years (1934). We believe this had begin before 1934, but Italian newsoapers carries 'huge' headlines triumphing the 'revival of the spirit of the ancient Romans' and articles with details of what Mussoloni planned. [AP. 'Italy's little boys'] All boys beginning at the age of 8 years were to receive military training. It would be provide through the Balilla. Missolini intended to create an 'armed nation'. He prommised more and better training. Mussolii sppech announced a decree issued by the Italian Council and told the Italian people that, 'The functions of the citizenamd the soldier are indivisable in the Fascist state.' The announcement was billed the most sweeping peacetime mobilization in history. TheFascist Council stated in the decree that 'Military training is an integral part of the national legislation. ... it begins as soon as a boy is old enough tom learn and continue as long as a cutizen is able to carry arms in defense of the country." The Balilla boys were ordered not 'to shrink their military school work. Students will not be promoted to higher classes [grades] or receive degrees without having followed the military courses with profit." The decree further proclaimed, 'Boys from the time they are eight years olduntil they are called to arns at 21 will be prepared spirtitually, phyically and militarily by the civil organization of the Fascist balilla and by the Fascist youths of combat. Thus when they enter the armed fiorces, they can dedicate themselves exclusively to warlike professiinal and soecialized training in arms.' The youth training is to be divided into two sections, first (8-18 years) and second (18-21 years). The idea was to fan the 'love of war' in Italy's youth. The Decree states, "The purpose of this first stage of compulsiry pre-training is to give boys a passion for military life through frequent contacts with the armed forces whose waelike glories and traditions will be re-evoked.' We are not sure about Mussolini's timing here, but we note that Hitler seized poer in Germany during 1933 and moved to aggresively expand the Hitler Youth with the same kind of military focus decribed here.


AP report. 'Italy's little boys to discard their marbles and study machine guns,' The Spartangburg Herald (September 18, 1934), p. 1.


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Created: 10:03 AM 11/21/2013
Last updated: 10:03 AM 11/21/2013