Soviet Young Pioneer Uniform Garments: Footwear

Figure 1.--Many Young Pioneers both boys and girls wore sandals to Young Pioneer caps. There were many different styles. The boy here looks to be wearing a soft strap shoe. The photograph is undated, but looks like the late 1960s.

We do not have much information on the footwear worn by Young Pioneers. Our information comes primarily from available photographs. HBU has not noted any specific shoe styles worn by Soviet Young Pioneers. We commonly see children wearing their uniforms with school shoes. Some children wore sandals. Even with formal uniforms at ceremonial events, boys might wear sandals. By the 1970s we see boys wearing their uniforms with sneakers. Footwear was somewhat different at summer camps. Here we see the Pioneers much more commonly wearing sandals and by the 1970s sneakers. One type of footwear we have not noted to any extent is hiking boots. We are not sure just why. We suspect that hiking boots were not widely available for children in Soviet stores. Also hiking and camping does not seem to have been as important an activity in the Pioneers as in many other youth groups. Again we are mot sure why this was. Hopefully our Russian readers can provide some insights.


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Created: 7:33 PM 3/13/2006
Last updated: 7:33 PM 3/13/2006