Scottish Boy Scout Uniforms: Activities

Figure 1.--Here we see Gasgow Scouts and Guides along with Cubs and Brownies in a St. George's Day parade (1960). Akela here leads this pack of Cubs.

We do not know of many differences in the activites persued specifically in Scotland. The activities seem largely the same as Scouting activities in England. Thr Scouting program is a British program with very little differences in the various countries which compose the United Kingdom. Exceptions here may be a variety of activites concerned with Scottish hitory and cilture. The bagpipes are often present at Scottish Scout camps and activities and we notice the Scouts engaged in Highland dancing, although we are not sure how common that was. Hopefully our Scottish readers will provide somme information here.


Each of the various Scout regions in Xcotland maintauin a camp site.


The Scottish Scoutingvcelebrations seem to be the same as those in England. We do not have a lot of information on Scottish celebrations. The major celebration is a parade held on St. George's Day (april 23). St. George is the patron saint of England. It was St. George of course who slew the dragon. He is also the patron saint of Scouting. So Scouts throughout the Britain celebrate the occassion. On St George's day or the Sunday cloest to the day, Scouts parade and then participate in some kind of church service where they renew their Scout Promise. There are also celebrations for special events like the 100th anniversary of Scouting (2009).


We notice the Scouts engaged in Highland dancing. This seems to be an informal activity, although we have almost no information at this time. We are not sure how common Highland dancing was or is at Scottish Scout activities. Many Scottish Scouts are unfamiliar with Highland dancing. At camps there are often some basic lessons given to allow them to perform simple steps.

Gang Shows

Scot groups throughout Scotland maintain an active tradition og gang shows.


The bagpipes are often present at Scottish Scout camps and activities. In fact you can vityually not have an important Scottish Scout event without bagpipes. I'm not sure learning the bagpipes was a Scout activity. The boys seen piping at Scout events may simply be using the skills they have learned at school or through private tuition. The National Scout and Guide Symphony Orchestra performed at the Edinburgh Festival playing 'The Great Adventure', a symphony commissioned for the Scouting 2007 Centenary (2008)


Group singing around campfires or indoors is a perial Scout activity. Scottisj Scouts often have a bagpipe to accompanybthem in the singing. Some Scouts put on more modern entertainment utilizing singing. With Scottis Scouts, Scottish folk songs are very popular.


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Created: 7:04 AM 8/25/2010
Last updated: 7:04 AM 8/25/2010