Scottish Boy Scout Uniforms: Levels

Figure 1.--Here we see a Glasgow Cub pack in 1960. Scottish Cubs usually wore shorts, but the Cub leaders often wore kilts. The girls at left are probably Guides, but wear a Scout uniform when working with the Cubs. Notice the Brownies at the right.< /i>

Scouts in Scotland had the same levels as in England. The major divisions were Cubs, Scouts, and Ventures. Actually the entire organization was British. The only real difference between the Scouts in Scotland and England is that Scottish Scouts were allowed to wear kilts. This usually occurred at the Scout and Venture level. Few Cubs wore kilts, although we see Scottish Cub leaders wearing kilts. And sandals do not see to be as common as in England. The rest of the uniform and program at each level, as far as we know, was the same in Scotland and England. Hopefully our Scottish readers can provide more details here.


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Created: 6:37 AM 8/25/20104
Last updated: 6:37 AM 8/25/2010