Stern Brothers Kilt Suits (1890)

Figure 1.-- Here we see two of the Stern Brothers kilt suits for younger boys. These are two the suits that look to be made without vests. Notice the different headwear.

The kiltsuit here is unlike any I have seen in the photographic record. The boy looks to wearing a tam with a pom. The jacket looks to be a Fauntleroy velvet jacket, but it looks to have lapels. Most Fautleroy jackets were lapelless. The jacket is worn open, but notice the tie so the sides do not flap. I have not noticed this before. Also unusuall is the plain collarless blouse. The kilt is the skirted grment that looks most like an actual kilt with a tartan plaid. Notice that there is no front pannel and there are no buttons.


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Created: 4:29 AM 10/4/2004
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