Andy: Prep School--Feltonfleet

Figure 1.--This is a professional picture of me when I was about 11 years old. I was at Prep School called Feltonfleet near Cobham in Surrey. I was wearing a grey school jacket and probably shorts of the same material. There were two shades of grey called grey flannal. That was not, however, my school tie.

My prep school was called Feltonfleet near Cobham in Surrey (UK). I wore grey shirts with a tie, clerical grey flannel shorts and long grey socks with blue stripes at the top. I was there from 7 to 12 years of age. Feltonfleet was a boarding school, with about 80 boys. Our Head Master was Kieth Leighton. he had a parting down the middle of his hair and wore a black gown over his suit. I remember he was very strict. If you did not perform well in the class in Form Orders, which was read out each month, he would ask you to be outside his study at 12.30. I was terrified of the green and red book he carried into the common room to read out our places in the class. I was beaton once with the slipper. Anyone given a caning you could here the cracking sound from the library next door to the study. We played rugger and hockey in the winter and cricket in the summer. I am also enclosing pictures that include me throwing the discus aged 15. In the second picture I am standing watching. You can ignore the swimming picture. The sports wear has not changed much, but the shorts were a little shorter than they are now.

The School

My prep school was called Feltonfleet near Cobham in Surrey (UK). It was a fairly standard prep school at the time. Feltonfleet was a boarding school, with about 80 boys. Schools that small are rare today, but were fairly common at the time. As was common at the time, Feltonfleet was a boarding school. I began as a boarder at age 7 and sy=tayed until finishing at age 12.

Strict Regime

Prep schools at the time were still very strict and traditionally run. Our Head Master was Kieth Leighton. he had a parting down the middle of his hair and wore a black gown over his suit. I remember he was very strict. If you did not perform well in the class in Form Orders, which was read out each month, he would ask you to be outside his study at 12.30. I was terrified of the green and red book he carried into the common room to read out our places in the class. I was beaton once with the slipper. Anyone given a caning you could here the cracking sound from the library next door to the study.


Our uniform at Feltonfleet was grey flannel suits. I do not think we hads caps. I think I would have remembered if we did. We wore grey shirts with a tie, clerical grey flannel shorts (there were different shades of grey flannel). I cant remember the colours of the tie. We wore the grey flannel suits on Sunday during morning service in the common room. We wore grey shirt and a jumper during a normal day in the classrooms. I cannot remember the colour of the jumper, but it was probably blue. We wore grey flannel shorts and long grey socks with blue stripes at the top. Many schools at the time had colorful blazers, but we wore grey suits. Some other schools did the same. At the time Terrylyn worsted was beginning to be worn at schools, but many traditional schools continued the traditional grey flannel shorts.


Sports were an important part of the prep school program. This was because they were preparing us for the public schools where sports were very important. The sports program varied from school to school. We played rugger and hockey in the winter and cricket in the summer. It may seem strange today, but at our school and many others, we were not allowed to play football. It was not considered a gentelmanly sport. I am also enclosing pictures that include me throwing the discus aged 15. In the second picture I am standing watching. You can ignore the swimming picture. The sports wear has not changed much, but the shorts were a little shorter than they are now.


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Created: 7:28 AM 1/29/2008
Last updated: 4:15 AM 5/6/2008