Andy: Feltonfleet Uniform

Figure 1.--Here I am feeding the pigeons at ????. I had just begun at Feltonfleet and am wearing mu new uniform.

Our uniform at Feltonfleet was grey flannel suits. I do not think we hads caps. I think I would have remembered if we did. We wore grey shirts with a tie, clerical grey flannel shorts (there were different shades of grey flannel). I cant remember the colours of the tie. We wore the grey flannel suits on Sunday during morning service in the common room. We wore grey shirt and a jumper during a normal day in the classrooms. I cannot remember the colour of the jumper, but it was probably blue. We wore grey flannel shorts and long grey socks with blue stripes at the top. Many schools at the time had colorful blazers, but we wore grey suits. Some other schools did the same. At the time Terrylyn worsted was beginning to be worn at schools, but many traditional schools continued the traditional grey flannel shorts.


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Created: 4:39 AM 5/6/2008
Last updated: 11:22 PM 5/11/2008