*** American kilt suits: solid colored suits

Little Lord Fauntleroy Kilt Suits: Solid Colored Kilts

Fauntleroy kilt suit
Figure 1.--This boy wears a black Fauntleroy-styled kilt suit. Noted that he wears a pinned on lace collar and matching cuffs rather than a Fauntleroy blouse. He has a rather modern looking hankerchief in his breast pocket. Also notice his cap and ring. This prtrait was taken in Syracuse, New York, probably during the 1890s. The boy looks to be 5 years old.

Many Fauntleroy kilts were solid colored suits, almost always matching the jackets. While the popular plaid kilts were not worn with matching jackets, the solid color suits almost always did match. They also were almost always dark colors. I'm not sure about just what colors in which Fauntleroy kilts suits were made. They appear to have been mostly black and other dark colors. Unfortunately the black and white photography of the day does not register the actual colors, but we hope to develop this information in the HBC catalog section. HBC has noted, however some light-colored Fauntleroy suit kilt. Again, the black and white photography of the day, however, offers few clues as to the actual color. We do not know


Fauntleroy Related Pages:
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Created: December 20, 2001
Last updated: December 20, 2001