English Boys' Brigade: Chronology--The 1910s

Figure 1.--The Scout uniform was designed for an active outdoor pursuits orogram. The Boys Brigade had a much smaller outdoors pursuits component and wearing suits showed this. The suits were ot precisely part of the uniform, but so many of the boys wear suits that it is obvious that it wa clerly expected, almost as if they were going to a church service. We note a 1913 portrait from Horsforth, Leeds shoeing a boys' Brigade unit. In the front row or a drum anf buggel unit.

The Boys' Brigade continued tonhave the same uniform in the 1910s. Images we have found fromthe 10s shows the boys wearing the pill-box cap and white bekt with a shoulder strap. The boys normally wear these two itemsxwith suits. This demonstrates the principal difference with Scouting. Scouting was an outdoor pursuits progeam with a Christian component. The Scout uniform was designed for such an active orogram. The Boys Brigade had a much smaller outdoors pursuits component and wearing suits showed this. The suits were ot precisely part of the uniform, but so many of the boys wear suits that it is obvious that it wa clerly expected, almost as if they were going to a church service. We note a 1913 portrait from Horsforth, Leeds shoeing a boys' Brigade unit. In the front row or a drum anf buggel unit.


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Created: 3:56 AM 4/11/2005
Last updated: 3:22 AM 4/2/2009