Marine HJ: Interest

Figure 1.--While the HJ Marine Division was most popular in the northern coastal areas of Germany, it was not limitd to the north. This HJ boy apparently was from Austria.

The Marine-HJ was especially popular in coastal areas of Germany and even inland areas near larger lakes and rivers. One source reports that the Marine Division was especially popular in northern Germany. Yhis mean the North Sea and Baltic coasual areas of Germany. And many boys in the big northern cities (Hamburg, Bremen or Kiel) were already familiar with with boaring, including sailboats and kayaks. Not all Marine-HJ units were, howver, located near the sea or inland waters. Apparently even Berlin (about 100 miles inland) had a Marine-HJ unit. And their were Marine-HJ units organized in Austria after the Anschluss.


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Created: 2:58 AM 3/10/2008
Last updated: 2:58 AM 3/10/2008