Unknown HJ Boy's Album: Trip Experiences--Laboe

Figure 1.--Trips to historical sites, especially sites related to the military were popular with the HJ. The caption read, "Das Kriegsehrenmal der Marine." This mean "The war memorial of the navy." Here the boys visit the naval memorial at Laboe near Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein. The German Government began construction of the memorial several years after World war I (1927). It was finished several years later (1936). It was originally meant to honor the World War I war dead of the Imperial German Navy. The HJ boys here, smarly in formation, are probably visiting in 1937 or 38.

Trips to historical sites, especially sites related to the military were popular with the HJ. Here the boys visit the naval memorial at Lanoe near Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein. The German Government began construction of the memorial several years after World war I (1927). It was finished several years later (1936). It was originally meant to honor the World War I war dead of the Imperial German Navy. The HJ boys here, smarly in formation, are probably visiting in 1937 or 38. Many Germans were unsure what it symbolized. Some thought the bow of a ship or the conning tower of a U-boat. Architect Gustav August Munzer insists that he had no symbolism in mind and just wanted to inspire a positive feeling. After World War II, the meaning of the memorial was extended to include those who died in the second war. The Government rededicated it to honor the sailors of all nationalities who died during the World Wars. The Laboe monument is 72 metre high with an observation tower at the top. There is a hall of remembrance. And after World War II the U-995 was installed to serve as a technical museum at the foot of the monument. The U-995 is a Type VII U-boat. Serving on a German U-boat proved after mid-1943 one of the most dangerous activites of the War with a horendous survival rate.


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Created: 11:21 PM 9/20/2007
Last updates: 11:21 PM 9/20/2007