Unknown HJ Boy's Album: Trip Experiences--Niedernjesa

Figure 1.--The boys took a biking trip to Niedernjesa in Saxony. Here they are preparing to go home. The caption read, "Die Räder zur Heimfahrt "klarmachen"." This mean, "Getting the bikes ready for the trip home."

The boys took a biking trip to Niedernjesa in Saxony. There may have been a hostel there for them to stay at. Here we see them preparing to go home. Niedernjesa is part of the municipality Friedland in the south of Lower Saxony. It is a small community. It is about 7 km south of Goettingen in the Line Valley. The first recored reference to Niedernjesa appears in the medieval era (1022). The village centr has a chirch built about 1100 AD. The church as an impresive tower. It served the monastery there for military purposes. When attacked the monks could retreat to the tower for protection.


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Created: 11:00 PM 9/22/2007
Last updates: 11:00 PM 9/22/2007