Unknown HJ Boy's Album: Berlin Trip Experiences--Kiel Hostel

Figure 1.--While in Kiel the boys stayed at what looks like a youth hostel. We see them having a meal there. The caption read, "Beim Mittagessen, wenn es uns Kaffee und Brote gab." That meant, "At lunch, when we got coffee and sandwiches."

While in Kiel the boys stayed at what looks like a youth hostel. We see them having a meal there. I'm not sure how this was all financed. I don't think that the boys would have had to pay individually. We suspect that the boys stayed there for nothing. That either the HJ picked up the bill or thsat the hostel was financed by the Government and HJ groups allowed to use it.


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Created: 3:04 AM 9/22/2007
Last updates: 3:04 AM 9/22/2007