Kronprinz Boating Expedition: HJ Leaders

Figure 1.--We see some of the HJ leaders on the bridge with the captain. They look to us to be older teenagers and not adult leaders. This was common place. There were adults involved at the higher levels of the HJ. The leaders actually working with the boys, however, were mostly older boys and youths. Note that the ship captain and HJ leader appears to be the only people aboard wearing caps.

We see some of the HJ leaders on the bridge with the captain. They look to us to be older teenagers and not adult leaders. This was common place. There were adults involved at the higher levels of the HJ. The leaders actually working with the boys, however, were mostly older boys and youths. Note that the ship captain and HJ leader appears to be the only people aboard wearing caps. The major exception seems to be boys in white caps, presumably boys in the Marine HJ division.


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Created: 8:24 PM 11/4/2007
Last updates: 8:24 PM 11/4/2007