Kronprinz Boating Expedition: The Kronprinz

Figure 1.-- We note a boat excursion aboard the ship Kronprinz which looks to be an excursion ship. The name (Crown Prince) suggests of course it is a pre-World War I ship. The ship is flying a large HJ banner. Thus it may well be a ship that the HJ itself owned and operated. The HJ seized the property of other German youth groups after the NAZIS seized power. Perhaps this is gow it was acquired. It appars to be being used primarily for transportation.

We note a boat excursion aboard the ship Kronprinz which looks to be an excursion ship. The name (Crown Prince) suggests of course it is a pre-World War I ship. The ship is flying a large HJ banner. Thus it may well be a ship that the HJ itself owned and operated. The HJ seized the property of other German youth groups after the NAZIS seized power. Perhaps this is gow it was acquired. It appars to be being used primarily for transportation. The image here shows a very large body of water, surely not a river. But I am not entirely sure it is the Baltic. Here we see quite a few HJ boys both on the ship and dock.


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Created: 8:24 PM 11/4/2007
Last updates: 8:24 PM 11/4/2007