Hitler Youth Uniforms: Accessories--Lanyards

Figure 1.--This Hitler Youth boys wears a lanyard from his pocket, but not to his shoulder as his short does not seem to have epaulettes. Notice that this was a multi-color lanyard. Unfortunately we can not tell what the colors are.

The lanyards were an especially important part of the Hitler Youth uniform. Perhaps no youth organization used in more than the Hitler Youth and other Fascist groups during the 1930s and early 40s. We see Hitler Youth boys wearing lanyards both on their epaulettes and on their pockets. We have only limited actual information about the use of the lanyard in these groups, but available images provide some information. Unfortunately for many groups available black and white photographs make it virtually impossible to disdcern the colors. It was primarily used as an indication of rank. They were only issued to youth leaders that had compledted a leadership course of some kind. Attached to the lanyard was of course a whistle which was worn buttoned in a breast pocket. These lanyards or braided cords (Kordel, Fangschnur) came in different colors representing different ranks. A green Fangschnur indicated thatvthe person was a she was a Fähnleinführer leading a group called a Fähnlein (little flag) of about 100 boys pr girls in the BDM.


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Created: 11:53 PM 5/2/2005
Last updated: 11:53 PM 5/2/2005