Hitler Youth Uniforms: Wearing the Uniform--Activities

Figure 1.-- The boys here are having a rest at the fountain in the town center. We are not sure what activity has brought them into the town center. Perhaps they were in some kind of parade.

Wearing the Uniform

We are not entirely sure just where HJ boys wore their uniforms. The primary time would be actual HJ activities. This would not be te only time, but it would be te principal time. HJ activities would mean the weekly maining and other times such as weekend hikes and camping. There was also summer camp. These were all group events. We note a range of activities arranged during these various times. Some of the activities are obvious. Others less so. Our information comes primarily from the photographic record. Hopefully some HBU readers will have some insights to offer. The most obvious was of course when the boys were going to a HJ meeting or some other planned activity. Boys also wore their uniforms at HJ summer camps. Another HJ activity was fund raising. The children would commonly collect coins in can through street solicitations. The children doing this always wore their uniforms. Of course for activities like that as well as parades, it was especially important that the children be smartly dressed.

HJ Activities

HBU has an extensive section on HJ activities. Readerc can see here the many different activities for which the uniform was worn. The Hitler Youth program was based on Hitler's anti-intellectualism. Hitler was a notorious anti-intelectual. The best example of this is Hitler's ban in 1940 on weapons programs which could not be completed within a year. Thus decision by the Furrer put back the development of key radar, jet, and rocket systems so that by the time they were finally operation that they had minimal impact on the war. Intelectual persuits were not encouraged in NAZI Germany. In fact it could be quite dangerous in NAZI Germany to speak one's mind, especially on matters of interest to Hitler and the NAZIs. The Hitler Youth program reflected Hitler's distrust of intelectuals and lack of interest in intelectual pursuits. Physical, rather than mental development was stressed and outdoor activities dominated the program--including activities of indirect or direct value to the military.


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Created: 4:12 AM 7/3/2007
Last updated: 4:12 AM 7/3/2007