Hitler Youth Uniforms: Wearing the Uniform--Parties

Figure 1.--This looks like games in the back yard as part of a birthday party. The boy in the center trying to get the prize wears a DJ uniform. His fried at the right waiting his turn wears a sailor suit. Notice none of the older girls organizing the event are wearing their BDM uniforms. The snapshot here is undated, probably taken in the late-1930s.

We do not see very many German boys or girls wearing their HJ uniforms to parties. Children tended to dress up for parties in the first half of the 20th century. This did not always mean suit and ties as might be expected in the 19th century and early 20th century before World war I, but it usually did mean nice c;othes. Of course the type of party had an impact on formality. There were commonly some kind of celebration for a boy's confirmation. Birthday parties were also common. Other parties might be held for special occassions. We do not note very many boys wearing their HJ uniforms to these parties. Of course this would only mean boys aged 10 years or older. We have g=found a few such imahes, but they are not very common. We would guess boys wearing their HJ uniforms to parties were particularly enthusiastic about the program.


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Created: 2:29 AM 1/25/2009
Last updated: 2:29 AM 1/25/2009